
Documentation for NESS v1.2.0

The sources panel allows to control the positions, moves, levels, reverbs and spatialization options for each of the 16 available virtual sources.

1 – Source mixer

Select: display the controls for the selected source. The source track is highlighted

Name: the name of the virtual source can be defined. The name will be displayed on the graphical area, in the Reverb panel and in the global display panel.

Input: select the audio input of the sound card for the virtual source

Mute: cut the signal of the sound source. This also cuts the processing of the source, consider muting all unused source to lower the CPU load.

Solo: cut the signal of all sources for which the solo button is not enabled. A clear solo button is available to deactivate all solo buttons of all sources

Fader: gain control of the incoming signal

2 – Position controls

Color : Change the color of the source, the color will be applied to all representation of the source and its trajectory on the graphical area, on the associated faders in the source mixer and reverb mixer

Free move : Moves the source freely in the graphical area. The source can be placed with the mouse. If the source is controlled by an external software (OSC automation…), this option must be checked

Trajectory : Edit a trajectory for the source

Width : Control for the perceived width of the source

Constant gain : Allows to spatialize the sound source with a constant intensity, whatever the distance to the speakers. If deactivated, the signal level will decrease while the distance between the source and the speakers increases

Presets bar : When approaching the mouse to the upper side of the graphical area, the preset bar is displayed

Presets bar

Load : Loads a preset file for the selected source

Export : Export all the presets of the source un a .json file

New : Save the current state of the source in a new preset

Save : Save the current state of the source in the current preset

Rename : Rename the selected preset

Copy : Copy the parameters of the selected source in the clipboard. The parameters can only be pasted for another source

Paste : Loads the parameters of the clipboard in the current source editor

2.1 – Trajectory management

To create a trajectory, just click in the graphical area to create a point.
Shift + click = delete the point
The points can be moved with the mouse

Clear : Resets the trajectory

Play : Triggers the movement

Loop : Plays the movement repeatedly

Pause : Stops the movement. Click again to play again the movement from the last position

Stop : Stops the movement and places the source at the beginning of the trajectory

Movement direction : Chooses the movement direction or a round trip movement

Duration : Total duration of the movement

Position : Sets the position of the source on the trajectory
Example: a value of 2.5 will place the source at the middle of the segment between points 2 and 3 of the trajectory

Locking the source position : If you enable the caps lock key in free move mode, it will lock the edition of the source position from the graphical editor. The source can still be moved with OSC messages or by using trajectories

Quick tip: by placing the trajectory points at adequate positions of the virtual stage, it allows placing the source with only one parameter.

0 = in the front on the left
1 = centered in the front
2 = in front on the right
3 = in the middle on the right
4 = in the rear on the right
5 = in the rear centered
6 = in the rear on the left
7 = in the middle on the left
8 = centered in the middle

2.2 – Programming movements

You can use the trajectory tool to control both position and speed of the source. The same amount of time is taken by the source to go from one point to the next one. Close points will decrease the source speed, distant points will accelerate the movement. The total duration is set in the duration numbox.

3 – Output mixer

The output mixer sends the signal to the 4 groups of speakers, the binaural engine and to the reverb engine. The spatialization of the sources is also controlled here.

Mute : Cut the sound of the source on the bus. This cuts also the processing; you can consider muting unused busses to lower the CPU load

Fader : Controls the send gain to the busses

Processing mode : Allows to spatialize the source on a given speaker group (« spatialized ») or to directly route the signal to each speaker of the group (« direct routing »)

Nota : the gain computation of the source is by default independent for each group of speakers. It depends on the number of speakers in the group and the distance from the source to each speaker of the group. The groups are limited to 8 speakers, but you can link several groups to spatialize the source on bigger speaker arrays. See the design section for more information;

Gains and delay monitoring : visualization of the spatialization settings.

Delays activation : The delays can be activated or not. For static sources, it is recommended to activate the delay to strengthen the spatialization effect. For sources which are subject to move, the delays will be interpolated, which can create a doppler effect. This effect can be attenuated by enabling the minimal delay mode and increasing the time constant of the smoothing in the settings panel, or the delay can be deactivated

Direct routing : The signal of the source is directly routed to the selected speakers of the group thanks to the matrix

Movement direction : Choose the movement direction or a round trip movement

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