How to setup your loudspeakers in NESS

In this tutorial, you will learn all the step to set up your NESS for your loudspeaker configuration

Create a new session

  • Open NESS and create a new session by clicking on “New session” on the upper right corner
  • Save your session file in the “session” folder of NESS
  • a first snapshot is automatically created, rename it

Configure your venue

  • Go the Design tab
  • Choose your configuration:
    • Frontal for a theater or a live concert where your loudspeakers are in line in front of your audience
    • Surround for a 360° setup where your loudspeakers are place all around the audience
    • 180° for a setup where your loudspeakers are placed on a semi circle
  • Choose your background image
    • get an image showing a scaled top view of your venue with the loudspeaker positions
      tip : take a photo of the emergency exit map or draw it roughly with a drawing software
    • if needed, you can convert your image to white on black for a better integration in NESS :
    • load the image in the software by clicking on “load background image
  • Place and resize your background image
    • resize the image by setting the zoom parameter
    • click in the graphical area while keeping ctrl + shift pressed (cmd + shift on a mac) to move your image
    • move your image so the loudspeakers positions on your image are placed within the dedicated area
  • Set the transparency of your image
    • you can adjust the transparency of the background image to make it more discrete

Set the scale of your image

  • first click on “Define Scale
  • Locate 2 points on the plane where you know the distance between them
  • Click on the first point and while holding down the mouse button, move the cursor to the second point to draw a segment between the two points.
  • Release the button
  • enter the distance in meters in the dialog window. the graphical zone dimension should have been updated

Place the loudspeakers

NESS uses 4 groups of 8 loudspeakers to allow different processing for different kind of loudspeakers. for instance you an use a first group for a speaker ring and a second one for the subwoofers

You can link several groups if you uses more than 8 speakers of the same kind. all linked groups will share the same processing configuration

  • Click on Speaker Group 1 to display the loudspeaker group commands
  • Clear the group
  • set the color of the group according to your preference
  • set the name of the group
  • To create loudspeakers in the group
  • create a loudspeaker by cliking on “Create one speaker
  • click on the created speaker and while holding down the mouse button, move it to its position
  • repeat the two previous steps for all other speakers of the group

If you need more than 8 speakers of the same model:

  • enable the link for several groups to ensure they share they will work as one bigger group
  • select one other group
  • name it
  • choose its color, it will automatically change the color of all linked groups.
  • clear the group, create and place the speakers
  • repeat the previous steps for the other linked groups

in this exemple, we need 20 speakers, we will link the first 3 groups to have all 20 speakers working together

If the speakers are not showed, you can click on “show speakers

You can use one free group for subwoofers

  • select the group
  • choose its color
  • rename it
  • clear the speakers
  • for each speaker, click on create one speaker and place it on the background image
  • Save the snapshot by clicking on “Save snapshot

Route the signals to your soundcard outputs

Once you have created all your loudspeakers, you must associate it to a given output of your soundcard.

  • Open the output matrix. on a mac it is located in a tab at the top of the application
  • Clear all existing routings
  • For each speaker (in colums), click on the output of your soundcard (in line) to which it is connected

Don’t forget to save the snapshot !!

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